Operating Systems 2021-1 (OS211)
FXDROS --- Tangsel

Top 10 List of Week 06

  1. Introduction to Interprocess Communication
    Previously we have learned about shared data system. But what exactly it is for? Shared file system could be used as interprocess communication. Let’s find out more through this article!

  2. Process Synchronization
    While running and programming multiple process, we surely needs process synchronization. There are two types, independent and cooperative. How those things works? You could read this article since it helps me a lot ;D

  3. Process vs Program
    We know about process, we know about program; both of them seem similar since they look like commands to run a system. But what exactly their differences?

  4. Process vs Thread
    In previous week we have learned about process and threads. But what are the differences between both of them? Go on and watch this video to help you understand further!

  5. Multicore Programming
    In introduction to computer organisation, we learned that the more core our cpu we have, the better it will perform since it could share workload to each core. Well, how do we command each core in our processor so that it can work pretty well with multiple core?

  6. Client Server Model
    This video could help us understanding what is client server model; starts from explaining what is client, what is a server, and finaly the architecture in the client server.

  7. C Programming : I/O
    We often use the I/O ports at our devices and we seem like familiar with how it works. But what about the I/O system at our operating system? We can start by learning how to apply I/O system in C programming language.

  8. C Programming : The fork() Function
    Have you heard about fork? Well, yeah in git system we often heard such thing. And I suppose it is similar as fork() method in C programming language. In git system, we fork a repository to “duplicate” another repository so that we could modify the forked repository without changing its content. In C programming language, fork() function is used to create a new process.

  9. C Programming : The sleep() Function
    What happen when you have lots of assignments and you just laying on your bed and sleep? Well, surely your assignmets won’t have any progress; in other words, it is suspended. That what happen when we use the sleep() function. Our process will be delayed or suspended for a certain time.

  10. C Programming : The wait() Function
    “Please wait to be seated”, is a phrase when we are at a restaurant. We wait for a signal from the waiter/waitress to let us seat inside the restaurant. It is similar as the wait() function. A process will be hold until another process (child process) has been done.