Operating Systems 2021-1 (OS211)
FXDROS --- Tangsel

Top 10 List of Week 05

  1. Introduction to Thread
    a thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler, which is typically a part of the operating system.

  2. More About Memory Allocation
    In the previous weeks we’ve discussed about concepts of storage management as well as memory allocation. But we haven’t really talked about memory allocation algorithm. Let’s see some about memory allocation algorithm such as Fixed Allocation and Splitting and Coalescing approach.

  3. Global vs Local Allocation
    It is a common thing for us to hear things such as global and local variable. But do we ever think about how our operating systems manages those two things? How they handle and allocate global and local variables? We can find it out in this site!

  4. What is Trashing?
    What do you think when you hear the word trashing? Well, you might be thought about rubish, bin, or litter. In operating system, Trashing is somekind of state when our CPU utilization is going to be reduced due to our operating system activity that has to spend more time to do swapping. In this case, we have to apply either global page replacement or local page replacement

  5. Page Fault
    Well, previously we learn about trashing that actually caused by page fault. So what is page fault actually? Page fault is a condition when a page referenced by the CPU is not found in the main memory. When it occurs? How should we handle it? We can learn it together through this article.

  6. Do You Know About Virtual Memory?
    As the title said, I’d like to discuss about virtual memory in this section. When an application needs memory more than our RAM capacity; e.g. you have an application that needs 1GB RAM, yet you only have 990MB RAM. In this case, our operating system will try to allocate some space for our application inside a secondary memory, and that’s what we called as

  7. Clear Cache? Probably Not
    Ever wonder why your devices run so slow? One of thousands possibilities is your device runs out of memory. And why did it happen? Probably you have lots of cached files. Caching is a great feature to helps you run your application or retrieve data faster, since cache location is closer to your CPU than your hard drives. Yet, it could makes your device run slow when you keep opening various application and you don’t need the cache files.

  8. Flag: Invalid vs Falid
    We do know that sometimes fault page could occurs. Should we just ignore it? Porbably, but our operating system won’t. It will mark the flag as valid or invalid.

  9. Ever Heard About Processes?
    Process is the instance of a computer program that is being executed by one or many threads. It contains the program code and its activity. Depending on the operating system (OS), a process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently.

  10. Difference between Virtual machine and instance
    What’s the difference between both of them? Well, sorry not sorry but I can’t tell you either since I haven’t really understand it. But hey, maybe you could help me by reading this article.